Acoustic Treatment and Sound Proofing in Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore

Acoustic Treatment and Sound Proofing was carried out for a Personal Recording studio in Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore. As the space was used for playing Drums, the amount of sound generated was a source of disturbance to the neighbors. Hence, the room had to be sound proofed before carrying out Acoustic Treatment.
The room was soundproofed mainly in the areas where there was an extensive amount of leakage. A partition of 116mm thickness was created using two 8mm thick Magnesium Oxide boards supported on two layers of 50mm thick Jitex G.I Partition channel system and further insulating it with two layers of Rock wool insulation of 50mm thickness of 48 Kg Density / m3.
Further, the room was acoustically treated in order to eliminate any form of noise, echo and vibration. The partition wall was completely covered using 18mm thick wood wool acoustic board. The Acoustic panels were directly screwed on to the Magnesium Oxide Board. With a 3mm Groove between each board, a Brick pattern was created from wood wool board to improve the aesthetics of the room.
On the remaining three walls, as we had to retain the existing wall design, the acoustic boards were placed equally at a distance. The panels were elevated from the wall for creating a provision for a Cove Light effect. Thus, helping us achieve both Soundproofing and Acoustic Treatment.
The Following materials were Used:
1. JITEX Wood Wool Board (Acoustic Panel) – 18mm Thickness – 600mm x 1200mm
2. Magnesium Oxide Board (Mgo Board) – 8mm thickness – 1200mm x 1800mm
3. Rockwool insulation – 50mm Thickness – 48 Kg Density / m3
4. Jitex GI Partition channel system – 50mm Thickness – 12ft Length